Peanut and Poppy

The New Normal
July 23, 2011, 4:33 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Family Fun

I have recently realized that I sound like a broken record. “I’ve been so busy,” “Life is chaotic,” “It’s crazy right now,” and so on. I’ve been saying this since … well, Aubri was born! Apparently these are adjectives that are expected to define the life of a family with young children. Therefore, I have accepted “wild,” “hectic”, “dizzying” and “delirious” as my new normal.

So, having said that, I have not had time to keep this blog updated as I would like. I am all about some Facebook, however, because of it’s microblogging format. It’s easy to jot a sentence down mid-PB&J clean-up, simple to upload a photo with a baby climbing on my head, and speedy to write down memorable moments between removing golf balls and glitter pens from my baby’s mouth. In my spare time, I dream of a way to funnel my Facebook to my blog. So all of my thoughts are in one place and those of you weirdos boycotting Facebook can still keep up with my nutty family.

OK, I digress. Minutes remaining in naptime are quickly dwindling.

Here’s what’s been happening in the Bradystead since May-ish:

Sickness strikes Nugget Sr.: Taylor aquired a nasty case of strep throat followed by what was diagnosed as a recurring sinus infection, which has yet to resolve. She is now on allergy spray to keep her constant snorting at bay.

Nugget Jr. lost her dentures during her attempt to crawl. They have yet to be found. Still toothless.

Aubri has started eating solid foods, one of the first was Papa Johns pizza. And another first, avocado. As with most foods that she tries, it was a love-hate relationship.

Taylor had Dress Like Your Favorite Insect Day at school. She went with a Memorial Day themed butterfly in case you couldn’t decipher my 30 second face painting job.

The girls started bathing together. We quickly transitioned to a Bumbo-in-the-bath strategy after Aubri took a face plant moments after this picture was taken, attempting to swim at the early age of 9 months.

The girls have really started connecting, which is really sweet.

Awww, sisterly sweetness.

However, sometimes (OK, many times) are sweeter than others.

Taylor had a photo shoot with a fabulous local photographer. Here’s one of my favorites, you can see a few more here.

We’ve been spending a lot of time at the pool, which is no surprise. Aubri had one experience that she hopes does not happen again. She spotted another baby doing the unthinkable …
“No she DEH-EEENT wear my same tankini. Makes me SO MAD!”

Jimmy won a kayak, which has been thoroughly enjoyed by both daddy and daughter.

Taylor did NOT win the Great Christian Character award at pre-school graduation. Her sucker punching a classmate on stage in front of hundreds of parents had nothing to do with it …

Cayman had surgery to remove what we thought were cancerous masses. Tests came back clear and all is well. His surgery door prize was a large cone, which we thought was more appropriate for Taylor.

Taylor and Aubri have been joining me at Stroller Strides several times a week. It’s a kick-butt workout for me. And of course I’m taking advantage of wearing Taylor out, as well.

Aubri discovered the dogs. She loves them.

A 14-year old diva inhabited my 4-year old’s body one morning and has yet to depart. Here are a few examples of her new “tude.”

::driving down the road::
Tay: “Look, Chuckie Cheese!”
Me: “Yep.”
Tay: “Why do you always say ‘yep’?”
Me: “What should I say?”
Tay: “Well, I prefer you say nothing at all.”

Me: “Taylor, PLEASE go change your clothes.”
Tay: “Relax, Mommy!”
Me, with unhappy stare: “Taylooooorrrr.”
Tay: “Listen, let’s just not talk about it. It’s not useful.”

After an attitude-filled morning Jimmy says to Taylor: “This is what’s going to happen. You are going to stop the sass and the rude attitude and the interrupting and you are going to start acting right, RIGHT NOW.”

Taylor, stares at him with a blank, unfazed face and says, “I want you to say all that in Spanish.”


Aubri enjoyed her first doughnut on Father’s Day.

And Taylor reminded me over and over again that she and sugar do. not. mix.

We’ve spent the early summer months outside. Like at the Splash Pad with friends.

And at the park where Aubri had her first swinging experience. Look at that fro flying in the wind.

We learned that Aubri is no different than most adults. Mexican food goes right through her. Like immediately. After just a few bites of refried beans, she started “working them out” right there at the table.

We also learned that Aubri has inherited the couponing gene from her mama. She’s one serious shopper.

My sweet mom came into town to help me out while Jimmy was away at a work conference.

We did a few impromptu photo shoots.


She ate a pine needle.

Aubri scared the snot out of us by going on a hunger strike. She basically stopped eating for a week. My milk had dried up (due to stress, we think) and she refused to eat anything that was not “mommy.”

See, her lips were sealed.

So we were forced to create a feeding tube of sorts. We were able to sneak milk and formula in through her paci. Enough to keep her hydrated and out of the hospital.

The whole dilemma, which lasted a little more than a week, landed us in the doctor’s office almost every day. The aforementioned diva tagged along.

Thank God, though, my milk came back. After several days of weight loss, non-stop doctor’s appointments, discussions with NICU and lactation nurses, gadgets to feed her and get my milk back, we cleared the hurdle and all resolved itself. Now, she’s back to a fat and happy nugget.

Aubri’s issues have resolved. But diva’s “issues” are still in effect. Noise-canceling headphones during breakfast — it’s her way to NOT hear mommy and daddy.

Girls will be girls, though, and I love ’em. I am relying on Aubri to put Taylor in her place. Just this morning, she straddled her, yanked her hair and used it as a handle to stand. ‘Atta girl.

As you can see, Aubri is mobile. She started “rocking” at the end of June.

And just a few weeks later, in mid-July, she started crawling. Slowly, but surely.

We went on vacation to Kure Beach with Jimmy’s family and initiated what we hope will become an annual tradition. That’s a whole ‘nother post though, which is coming soon. Or so I plan.

So, my days now consist of Stroller Striding as much as possible, working during naptimes and after bedtimes, cleaning the floors and picking up small objects for our cute crawler, attempting to exorcise the 14-year old from my 4-year old, and, between all of this, watching these two tiny miracles play.

It’s a crazy busy life, but it’s a crazy blessed life.

Savoring the Season
May 20, 2011, 1:36 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Family Fun

Whoops. Has it really been six weeks since I last updated this thing? Goodness gracious.

OK, this blog was created to journal our lives, to act as a virtual scrapbook. Because Lord knows I don’t own — or have any intention of owning — scalloped scissors, bubbly borders or polka dot pages. So blog it is. Only problem with this is … it takes time. Time. What’s that, you ask? I dunno either.

Life is caa-razy busy right now. Two little nuggets running around, one rolling her eyes and the other rolling off beds. A part-time-ish work-from-home job. Bills to negotiate. A house to clean. Coupons to clip. Play dates to plan and doctor’s appointments to attend. I haven’t even had time to watch my beloved Real Housewives; I’m a whole stinkin’ season behind on both New York and Orange County, if that tells you how absolutely hectic life is at the moment.

Now, these are not complaints in any shape or form. I am so blessed. So so stinkin’ blessed. I have two healthy little girls that we (and you) prayed over for a very long time; one that continues to illustrate an ever-evolving side-splitting sense of humor and another that squeals like a banshee and flashes smiles that don’t even compete with the stars. I have a job. That, in itself, is a huge blessing in an economy like this. But, it gets better. I work for myself. From my home. And the people that I work for, and that I work with? They’re downright awesome. I love what I do, I love the people that surround me in my work, and I love that I get to do it from the comfort of my snugly slippers and poofy ponytail in between diaper changes and chicken nugget clean-up. I have an awesome husband that loves his family to pieces and absolutely busts his tail to provide for us so that we can afford said house and said doctor’s appointments; not to mention the occasional Andy’s cheeseburger and extra-chocolatey malt.

God is so good y’all. I couldn’t have ever even dreamed that I’d have a life like this. I am overwhelmed with that feeling every morning when I wake up. I am bubbling with blessings. Busy with life and strapped for time, but bubbling with blessings.

And so I am trying to soak in and savor every single second that seems to whip by. Because I know that, in 20 years from now, I will want to look back and remember every single moment of this super slammed, yet sweet and special, season that they call early motherhood.

So, in order to memorialize this time before we find ourselves looking at prom dresses for Aubri and college campuses for Taylor, let’s gets these memories on (virtual, non-polka-dot) paper. Here’s a snapshot of the past six weeks.

Taylor loves her little sister. Loves using her as a canvas. First it was a ballpoint pen to the cheek, now her sweet forehead serves as a sticker book.

Aubri started eating solid foods a few weeks ago (March 27 to be exact, 5 months adjusted age). Banana was the first attempted.


And after. Clearly, she’s not a monkey. The girl hated the banana.

One thing she does love, however, is the “Johnny Jumper.” In fact, the last two times that I have put her in it, she has bounced until she passed out — mid-hop, face down on the plastic tray, snoozin’.

I have attempted a few impromptu and informal photo shoots in our house. Shoved Aubri in a basket once and made both girls lay amongst prickly shrubs. All in an effort to get just one good shot of the two of them. All attempts ended in tears and no good photos. Except this one. This is one from the dreaded shove-me-in-a-basket-while-Taylor-holds-up-her-pink-blankie-as-a-backdrop shoot.

I’ve embraced my inner-Martha and have been making homemade baby food. It’s not too bad. And Aubri seems to dig it.

“Whoooooo’s hungry????”

Daddy had a birthday. Last year’s red velvet fault cake was a failure, but this year’s ended in sweet success. And, as you can see from the photo, Tay had consumed a good bit of frosting during the baking process. She’s a sugar-fueled nut. And Aubri knows it.

My parents came into town for Easter, which meant morning egg hunts, brunch on the water, afternoons at the pool and yummy dinners instead of my usual banana protein shakes. I love them. (My parents. Not the shakes.)

Because Aubri is itching to move, yet is not quite mobile, it’s a constant game of “where does Aubri want to play now” in our house. Johnny Jumper, activity mat, walker and in your arms. Those are the current “hot spots” for this active nugget.

No matter where she is, Tay is not far behind. Running circles in the living room, body slamming herself on furniture or whipping toys past Aubri’s noggin. See? She’s just a blur.

But she loves her little sister so so much.

And her little sister loves her. I think Tay gets more smiles than I do.

On a bittersweet note, we’re still healing from losing my grandma. It’s a daily struggle, but we remind ourselves and eachother than our grandma is now His most beautiful angel. One of the things that we did was plant flowers in her memory. As Tay was laying the seed-infused invitations to her memorial service under a layer of soil, the weather was doing amazing things. The sun was shining, then we’d feel a gust of wind and a sprinkle of rain, only to be followed by warm sunshine returning to our skin. Taylor said, and still tells people, that Great Nana was blowing her kisses and crying “happy tears” as she watched down on her plant the flowers.

At the end of April, we walked in the March for Babies, a benefit for the March of Dimes. Thanks to my generous friends, we raised $250 for the organization. It was really special to join so many NICU graduates in walking for such a great cause. We also got to hug on one of Aubri’s sweet NICU nurses, who couldn’t believe the size of her … you guessed it … cheeks. All in all, it was a fun event for the whole family.

Of course, now that it’s officially spring, you KNOW we’re spending lots of time at the pool. Here’s the bikini-clad sisters snuggling poolside.

We have also been strawberry picking not once, but twice. Which has resulted in four loaves of strawberry bread, two strawberry cakes, too many muffins to count and approximately 10 leftover pounds of fresh and now-frozen strawberries. Taylor, who is a passionate and aggresive berry picker (as you can see below), is also quite good at finding the perfect berry. It’s actually a lot of fun. And what was just as fun was getting an assignment to write about the experience in one of the magazines that I work for. You can read that here (click on Let’s Go Berry Picking).

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo with good friends at a local Mexican restaurant where the kids ate nothing but chips. OK, me too. I love chips.

And we celebrated Mother’s Day where I was treated to a full day of Daddy on diaper duty, time at the pool and, my most favorite, morning snuggles with my little nuggles.

Taylor had her second successful dentist appointment. (This was actually her third visit, but I wouldn’t exactly call her first appointment a treat by any means.) She got her first round of x-rays, which will likely not be her last seeing as though she comes from a set of dentally-challenged parents.

We celebrated my sweet grandpa’s birthday. Because Aubri is named after him (Aubri Lee), I thought that, naturally, the best gift would be, well, her. Only problem is that she wouldn’t stay in the box long enough for me to ship her off.

We also celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. Jimmy’s parents came to town and watched the girls while Jimmy and I went out for cheese and chocolate fondue. It’s was quiet, which was weird. A good weird.

And the next day, we celebrated our niece’s birthday. Tay ate mass amounts of sugar and ran like a wild woman through the park while Aubri and I hung out at the shelter and ate mass amounts of cake. Well, I did. I guess I can’t get away with blaming her for that … yet.

So there you have it! Lots of stuff going on in just six weeks, right? Now you see why I haven’t been sitting still long enough to write a blog post! Caaa-raziness! I do believe that Aubri says it best though:

“Sometimes, we just have to slow down, take a break from jumping all around the house. And pass out in a tray of toys.”

“Spit the paci out and pass out. Savor the season, Mommy. We’ll get our stuff done later.”

Welcome Spring
March 5, 2011, 11:39 am
Filed under: A Day in the Life

When Aubri and I left Michigan, it was negative 4 degrees and at least a foot of snow covered the ground. When we landed back home in NC, it was 64 and new flowers were poking through the piles of frost-killed groundcover that I have yet to clear. The weather is making slow but steady progress back to where I like it: sweaty, sticky and classically coastal. And we have been enjoying every moment of it.

Last weekend, our neighbors hosted an oyster roast. I have mentioned this in the past, but I can’t say it enough: I love my neighborhood. I think it’s so precious that we all have kids around the same age, that they get along so well, and the parents really enjoy eachother too.

So, on a warm Saturday afternoon, we all gathered in our neighbor’s backyard, the husbands breaking into oysters, the kids playing tag and singing karaoke, and the mommas talking with babies on our laps. We all watched as the kids tried and played with the slimy boogers that some call oysters. Taylor even tasted one, munched for a few seconds before dramatically dry-heaving and spitting oyster snot. After we all stuffed our faces with shelled creatures and all sorts of succulent sides, from a key lime dip appetizer to rice and sausage casserole, and make-your-pants-pop desserts like homemade brownies and banana pudding, we all watched on as the kids roasted marshmallows over fire pits. Tiny tiny marshmallows on long sharp sticks, which quickly became torches once the kids saw how cool it was to light these little sugar nuggets on fire.

On Sunday, the warm weather pattern continued, reaching the mid 70’s. Hello beach weather. Well, almost. So we spent our day doing everything possible outside. Washing cars, riding bikes and playing at the playground.

Welcome, spring. We’ve missed you.

February 19, 2011, 5:15 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Storms

My grandma is very sick. She’s in the hospital, grandpa by her side. Mom by her side.

I’m scared. I’m sad. And my heart aches for my sweet grandparents.

I can’t cry anymore.

And so, as I wait for updates or a call to get on a plane, I have kept my mind busy.

I have washed and folded five loads of laundry.

Folded all piles of week-old laundry that have been consuming floor space.

Attempted to teach Aubri that tummy time is fun.

Fed my child a well-balanced meal for the first time in who knows how long.

Tried to keep Taylor from scaring her sister too badly.

Painted my fingernails.

Asked Taylor to stop standing on the counter numerous times despite her sweet attempt to “paint the kitchen” with a Play-Doh roller.

Photographed the nursery like I have been meaning to do for six months.

Vacuumed a house that didn’t need to be vacuumed.

Shop-vac’d all outdoor living areas.

Photographed kisses.

Purged Aubri’s closet of all too-small clothing.

Worked a bit.

Tended to more hair-pulling drama.

Fed my baby three times and changed six diapers.

Read Facebook 900 times.

Stared into these baby blues.

Written this blog post.

And in between all attempts at distraction, I still:

Looked for flights to Michigan.

Cried for my grandma.

Cried for my grandpa.

Cried for my mom.

Prayed to God that He would provide peace and comfort to my family.

Realized that I should be putting down the laundry and picking up the Bible.

But I’m human. And I didn’t stop long enough to think about that.

Until now.

Fly on the Wall
February 5, 2011, 4:28 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Holidays, Notable and Quotable

This is going to be one of those all-over-the-place posts because, honestly, it’s been one of those all-over-the-place days. Well, weeks. Okay, months.

Here’s a fly-on-the-wall view of our hectic household over the past few weeks:

My hair has been a total of six different colors in less than two weeks, thanks to an itch to regain my childhood blonde-ness. From boring brown (natural color) to orange (thank you, Feria) to yellow ($150 hair color stripping later) to white (dyed in attempt to reach the initially-desired blonde result) to copper (trying to natural-ize the blonde to a dirty blonde but purchased the wrong shade) to brownish reddish goldish (after going back and purchasing the correct color of blonde.) That was fun.

It’s cold here. And wet. We’re ready for Spring.

We’ve celebrated lots of birthdays, including cousin Gus’ 10th and Memaw’s 70th. A local skating rink was the location of the festivities.

While Jimmy’s parents were in town, we enjoyed our first family bowling experience. All-you-can-bowl Sundays might become a regular activity in our household.

Taylor has a nasty cold. Aubri has been placed in a bubble.

Work is keeping me ultra-busy.

Post-pregnancy hormones are keeping me ultra-weepy.

Our preemie is no longer teeny, weighing in at a whopping 13.4 pounds. Approximately 13 of the 13.4 pounds resides in her cheeks.

There is at least one pile of unfolded laundry on the floor of one room at all times. I can’t catch up.

I created and launched a website for my freelance work. CSS is not my best friend.

Taylor calls the yellow cartoon creature commonly found on Nickelodeon, “Sponge Bob Squirt Pants.” Which I find hilarious.

Aubri’s current nicknames include: “Nugget” and “Suga Booga.” Taylor calls her “Nuggy Nugs,” which I find both hilarious and adorably gangsta.

Taylor is still a silly diva that considers me an annoying member of the paparazzi.

Aubri is sleeping seven hours at night, praise God. Jimmy has been enjoying this extra sleep, but still continues to pass out mid-conversation due to his backlog of missed zzzz’s.

Aubri is working on holding her head up and has absolutely no interest in rolling over. I’ve tried to delicately shove her to her tummy. She makes it clear that this is not OK.

But she still loves me. Regardless of what her eyebrows tell you.

No matter how hectic life seems, I am loving every second of it. I love love love my girls.

But my hair? Not so much.

So there you have it. That’s been our life over the past few weeks. And that’s the longest I have sat still in months. So with that, I must depart to glue Aubri’s paci to her lips and velcro Tay’s bottom to the floor. Until next time, folks…I leave you with a few quotables from Taylor.

Taylor: “Mommy, today at school, me and my friend played mommy and daddy. We went to bed and, when we woke up, I had a baby in my tummy … but don’t worry mommy, it was just a bean bag.”

Tay: “Mommeeeeeeee, Aubri just said ‘buuuuuuutttttt.'” Me: “Tay, I’m pretty sure that was ‘booyiooooiooooo bababa’ but thanks for your concern.”

Aubri was CIO (crying it out) for less that one minute. I then hear this stern voice from a short girl around the corner: “Mommy! Aubri is cryin’. You got cot-ton in your ears?!”

During Tay’s prayers: “God, please make all the sick boys and girls well. And please tell the other boys and girls to ask their mommies if they can come to my house and play.”

Me, on Christmas Eve: “Tay! Guess who’s coming tonight?!” Tay: “Nana? Uncle Matt? Aunt Robin?” Me: “No… he’s got a big belly… and he wears red… and wears a red hat… and he fliiiiiiiies throuuuuuuugh the sky…” Tay; ::gasp:: “A superhero???!!!”

Taylor, talking to herself following an extra long and loud buuuuuuurp: “wow, that was extraooordinary!”

Me: “Shew, what stinks?” Tay: “Me. I tooted. Twice. No, three times.” ::I look over to see her spinning on her naked tummy on the floor:: Tay: “Daddy, I’m going to go potty. And when I go, please don’t ask me if I’m done yet. It makes me bananas.”

Taylor: “Mommy, can I have chewing gum?” Me: “Taylor, how many times have I told you ‘no’?” Taylor: “Well, let me try again.”

Taylor, when asked why we don’t put our fingers in electrical outlets, “because they send energy in you. And I already have enough of that.”

Jimmy, when talking to Taylor “…dang!” Taylor: “No, daddy, it’s damn!”

Snow Day Schmo Day
January 10, 2011, 9:25 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Videos

Given the 2% chance that we’d get an inch of snow today, all schools within a 100 mile radius shut down, as well as the area’s biggest corporations, our airport and government offices.

Hey, it’s the coast. That’s how we roll.

When I woke up this morning after two beautiful hours of sleep (thank you, newborn), I had a toddler turbo-fueled by grape juice for breakfast (thank you, daddy). Add to that, I had three projects on deadline and not a bit of quiet time (thank you, canceled school) or brain power (thank you, no sleep) to get them done.

But at least somebody had fun.

And, just for the record, I was successful in completing one of my three projects. Thanks only to toffee coffee and a carton of milk duds. Only took drastic measures like that lovely diet, six hours of sporadic brain barfing, industrial strength earplugs and a brief stay in a padded room.

Snow snow go away, come again on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Thank you,

a Monday/Wednesday/Friday working momma

2010 In Words
December 31, 2010, 11:08 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life

Wouldn’t Have it Any Other Way
December 20, 2010, 11:08 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life

I am so sorry.

I knew life with two would be hectic. But. Like. Woah.

Because it has not slowed down at all and, in fact, only gotten busier, I’m going to make this quick.

But first, I just have to say one thing. God is amazing. Obviously. But, seriously, I have seen so much awesomeness over the past four months (since Aubri was born). 1) He gave us our sweet baby and miraculously brought her to life through a very rocky start. 2) He gave me an AMAZING amount of energy. The ability to keep my eyes open and my brain working on only four hours of sleep a night. 3) He gave Jimmy and I restraint to not lose our ever loving mind when it comes to the transition that Tay has “blessed” us with since Aubri’s homecoming.

Isn’t He amazing?

I think so too.

Now, here’s what we’ve been up to since my last post five weeks ago.


So sorry.

OK, ready or not, here we go.

Like I said, Taylor has certainly introduced us to a new phase. I haven’t quite figured out an appropriate title for this phase, but it involves lots of interesting behaviors. Including getting into, well, everything…without my knowledge. Like make-up.

Having several sporadic tantrums for the most random reasons. This morning’s meltdown occurred because she wanted to scoop the coffee and we said ‘no.’

On the bright side, Aubri has started smiling! This face helps to tune out the toddler in a butterfly costume that is slamming her forehead on the ground.

Aaaaand, back to the toddler. Who, in yet another attempt to get attention (which I am NOT depriving her of), has taken a liking to draw on, well, everything. Like her face.

But then there’s this dimple that helps me maintain my cool.

And this chubby cheek that keeps me from throwing my own tantrum.

But my first and fabulous daughter, Tay, is still amazing, beautiful, sweet, smart and down-right perfect. At everything she does. Including being a big sister.

In addition to the daily routine (which has yet to feel like a routine), we have been busy with me working, Taylor going to school part-time, keeping up with Aubri’s specialist appointments, and lots of playdates and birthday parties. For example, this one. Where they had cowboy hats for the kids and a real live horse for riding.

Taylor enjoyed her first horseback riding experience. I was terrified and clung to the horse’s heels as she rode off into the sunset (well, cul-de-sac). Taylor, on the other hand, wasn’t scared in the least bit.

Aaaaand, back to the craziness that is our usual life.

Next, we had Thanksgiving. Here’s Taylor and her partner-in-crime at school, Mackenzie. (The two of them get notes home almost daily for tag-team-torturing the teacher.)

Aubri got into the spirit as well.

The Brady family all traveled to the coast to spend time with us here. We had Thanksgiving dinner on the pier. The adults ate a ton of food while the kids played IN the ocean, dress clothes and all.

Since Thanksgiving, Aubri has continued to be a silent and sweet chubby-cheeked preemie powerhouse.

And, Taylor has continued to bring smiles to our faces and gray to our hair.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thank you, God, for Taylor’s energy. Her laughter. Her jokes that don’t make any sense and the innocence of her prayers. Her curiosity. Even her tantrums and her sass. She’s a complex character and, God, I wouldn’t have her any other way.

Thank you, God, for Aubri’s chipmunk cheeks and chubby thighs. Her strong lungs and gummy smiles. What a ways she has come from 3 pounds of miracle to 11 pounds of squishy goodness.

Thank you, God, for the hustle and bustle of life with two young girls. For the sleepless nights and the delirious laughter that I share with Jimmy. For the sweet snores I hear when checking on Taylor at midnight and the rise and fall of Aubri’s chest as I stare at her at 3am. I am sleep deprived, prone to parental goof-ups and often guilty of having my own tantrums, but as funny as it sounds, this is this is the life that I have always dreamed of. Hustling, bustling, hilarious, bankrupt, hair-raising and beautiful. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sweet Cheeks
October 17, 2010, 9:04 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Baby Butterfly

I have so many pictures to post from various recent outings and definitely a lot to write about as far as what has been going on in my home and my heart here lately. But, first, I had to do a quick post to share one thing.

Today, we had our newborn photo session with my good friend, Katie Mathews. She worked with Aubri for three hours. Multiple costume changes, lots of soothing, several set changes and some very memorable messy moments as well. When a baby goes diaper-less, it makes for some really gorgeous photography. But, it also gets “sticky”. Aubri “decorated” lots of Katie’s props and also … her big sister’s bare back. (Giggle giggle).

Here’s a peek of Katie’s work from today.

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Sleepless Nights
October 10, 2010, 3:18 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Videos

When we came home with Aubri, we expected our fill of sleepless nights. Frequent feedings, fussiness, diaper changes and all that comes along with having a newborn. Sleep deprived, we are. But not for the reasons we predicted.

For the most part, Aubri is an excellent sleeper. She currently eats about every four hours which means, if I time it right, I only have to wake once to feed her. That’s awesome, considering most newborns wake every two hours.

Taylor has always been an excellent sleeper. Since she was nine weeks old, the girl has slept through the night without ever waking up. But, since Aubri came home, that pattern has changed. She’s up several times each night with a new-found fear of the dark. We’ve heard from many other families that behavior changes like this are common when baby #2 comes home. Friends have said, and we believe, that she’s likely dealing with anxiety surrounding all that we have been through over the past ten weeks. And she is coping by wanting to be near her mommy and daddy.

After a few nights of threatening her to stay in bed, praying with her about ridding her mind of bad thoughts, and implementing all sorts of strategies for her to feel safe in her own bed; we finally decided that it would be best that we allow her to stay with us if she is scared. Last night was our first night of approving her request to snuggle at midnight. She tossed and turned and told Daddy to stop snoring all night long. She kept me company when I woke to feed Aubri. For me, I enjoyed it. I took the advice of friends and chose to savor the moment. Realizing that she won’t want to sleep in our bed forever, that these fears won’t last a lifetime. So, for now, we will welcome the tot that comes running into our room crying with her pink zebra pillow under her arm and her messy blonde ponytail bouncing in the wind at 1am. After all, she won’t stay short and sweet forever. And, I do love having a second set of arms and legs available to nudge Daddy when his snores reach earth-shattering levels.

Aside from the addition of Taylor’s little voice in our bedroom at night, we have another new noise in the air as well.

See below for a sample.

Yes, we have a family of loudmouths. Or, should we say “young performers.”

You’ve heard what the Brady vocals sound like at 7 weeks old. And, now, here’s what they sound like at almost 4-years old.

Sweet little silly girls, aren’t they?

We love them too.

Picture day for Tay.

Aubri Lee at 7 weeks.