Peanut and Poppy

The New Normal
July 23, 2011, 4:33 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Family Fun

I have recently realized that I sound like a broken record. “I’ve been so busy,” “Life is chaotic,” “It’s crazy right now,” and so on. I’ve been saying this since … well, Aubri was born! Apparently these are adjectives that are expected to define the life of a family with young children. Therefore, I have accepted “wild,” “hectic”, “dizzying” and “delirious” as my new normal.

So, having said that, I have not had time to keep this blog updated as I would like. I am all about some Facebook, however, because of it’s microblogging format. It’s easy to jot a sentence down mid-PB&J clean-up, simple to upload a photo with a baby climbing on my head, and speedy to write down memorable moments between removing golf balls and glitter pens from my baby’s mouth. In my spare time, I dream of a way to funnel my Facebook to my blog. So all of my thoughts are in one place and those of you weirdos boycotting Facebook can still keep up with my nutty family.

OK, I digress. Minutes remaining in naptime are quickly dwindling.

Here’s what’s been happening in the Bradystead since May-ish:

Sickness strikes Nugget Sr.: Taylor aquired a nasty case of strep throat followed by what was diagnosed as a recurring sinus infection, which has yet to resolve. She is now on allergy spray to keep her constant snorting at bay.

Nugget Jr. lost her dentures during her attempt to crawl. They have yet to be found. Still toothless.

Aubri has started eating solid foods, one of the first was Papa Johns pizza. And another first, avocado. As with most foods that she tries, it was a love-hate relationship.

Taylor had Dress Like Your Favorite Insect Day at school. She went with a Memorial Day themed butterfly in case you couldn’t decipher my 30 second face painting job.

The girls started bathing together. We quickly transitioned to a Bumbo-in-the-bath strategy after Aubri took a face plant moments after this picture was taken, attempting to swim at the early age of 9 months.

The girls have really started connecting, which is really sweet.

Awww, sisterly sweetness.

However, sometimes (OK, many times) are sweeter than others.

Taylor had a photo shoot with a fabulous local photographer. Here’s one of my favorites, you can see a few more here.

We’ve been spending a lot of time at the pool, which is no surprise. Aubri had one experience that she hopes does not happen again. She spotted another baby doing the unthinkable …
“No she DEH-EEENT wear my same tankini. Makes me SO MAD!”

Jimmy won a kayak, which has been thoroughly enjoyed by both daddy and daughter.

Taylor did NOT win the Great Christian Character award at pre-school graduation. Her sucker punching a classmate on stage in front of hundreds of parents had nothing to do with it …

Cayman had surgery to remove what we thought were cancerous masses. Tests came back clear and all is well. His surgery door prize was a large cone, which we thought was more appropriate for Taylor.

Taylor and Aubri have been joining me at Stroller Strides several times a week. It’s a kick-butt workout for me. And of course I’m taking advantage of wearing Taylor out, as well.

Aubri discovered the dogs. She loves them.

A 14-year old diva inhabited my 4-year old’s body one morning and has yet to depart. Here are a few examples of her new “tude.”

::driving down the road::
Tay: “Look, Chuckie Cheese!”
Me: “Yep.”
Tay: “Why do you always say ‘yep’?”
Me: “What should I say?”
Tay: “Well, I prefer you say nothing at all.”

Me: “Taylor, PLEASE go change your clothes.”
Tay: “Relax, Mommy!”
Me, with unhappy stare: “Taylooooorrrr.”
Tay: “Listen, let’s just not talk about it. It’s not useful.”

After an attitude-filled morning Jimmy says to Taylor: “This is what’s going to happen. You are going to stop the sass and the rude attitude and the interrupting and you are going to start acting right, RIGHT NOW.”

Taylor, stares at him with a blank, unfazed face and says, “I want you to say all that in Spanish.”


Aubri enjoyed her first doughnut on Father’s Day.

And Taylor reminded me over and over again that she and sugar do. not. mix.

We’ve spent the early summer months outside. Like at the Splash Pad with friends.

And at the park where Aubri had her first swinging experience. Look at that fro flying in the wind.

We learned that Aubri is no different than most adults. Mexican food goes right through her. Like immediately. After just a few bites of refried beans, she started “working them out” right there at the table.

We also learned that Aubri has inherited the couponing gene from her mama. She’s one serious shopper.

My sweet mom came into town to help me out while Jimmy was away at a work conference.

We did a few impromptu photo shoots.


She ate a pine needle.

Aubri scared the snot out of us by going on a hunger strike. She basically stopped eating for a week. My milk had dried up (due to stress, we think) and she refused to eat anything that was not “mommy.”

See, her lips were sealed.

So we were forced to create a feeding tube of sorts. We were able to sneak milk and formula in through her paci. Enough to keep her hydrated and out of the hospital.

The whole dilemma, which lasted a little more than a week, landed us in the doctor’s office almost every day. The aforementioned diva tagged along.

Thank God, though, my milk came back. After several days of weight loss, non-stop doctor’s appointments, discussions with NICU and lactation nurses, gadgets to feed her and get my milk back, we cleared the hurdle and all resolved itself. Now, she’s back to a fat and happy nugget.

Aubri’s issues have resolved. But diva’s “issues” are still in effect. Noise-canceling headphones during breakfast — it’s her way to NOT hear mommy and daddy.

Girls will be girls, though, and I love ’em. I am relying on Aubri to put Taylor in her place. Just this morning, she straddled her, yanked her hair and used it as a handle to stand. ‘Atta girl.

As you can see, Aubri is mobile. She started “rocking” at the end of June.

And just a few weeks later, in mid-July, she started crawling. Slowly, but surely.

We went on vacation to Kure Beach with Jimmy’s family and initiated what we hope will become an annual tradition. That’s a whole ‘nother post though, which is coming soon. Or so I plan.

So, my days now consist of Stroller Striding as much as possible, working during naptimes and after bedtimes, cleaning the floors and picking up small objects for our cute crawler, attempting to exorcise the 14-year old from my 4-year old, and, between all of this, watching these two tiny miracles play.

It’s a crazy busy life, but it’s a crazy blessed life.

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