Peanut and Poppy

Reunions and Blessings
June 29, 2009, 11:04 pm
Filed under: Memories, Videos

This weekend was another busy busy Brady weekend. On Saturday morning, we had a “babes of 4946 1/2 playdate”. For half of my college life, I lived in a house that was famously referred to by its address, 4946 1/2. The house had many roommates come and go, all AGD sisters. It was the location of many sorority meetings, many long talks, many life-changing events, many pairs of pleather pants, many tube tops and tubes of glitter, many dance practices, many re-runs of talent show, many laughs, and many many many parties. Many memories were made there, including the day I met my husband!

Most importantly, it was the four of us that founded the now historical home. We were the first generation, of several, in that house. When it was new, when it was clean, when the screen door didn’t have body-shaped tears in it (thank you, Jimmy), when the papasan actually had a stand, when the kitchen didn’t have scorch marks on the wall from burnt Rice-a-Roni. Ah, the memories made. Ah, the friendships created.

So, this is the original four. THEN.
From left to right: Landon, Rhiannon, me, and Tiffany.
Oh yeah.

And, this is us now.
From left to right: me, Rhiannon, Tiffany, and Landon.

This weekend, Rhiannon, who now lives in Tennessee, came in town to visit. So, Rhi, Tiff and Landon all came over for a reunion of sorts. With babies in tow. (Landon’s is in her belly). It was cute to see all of our kids play together. We just pray that they grow up to have friendships as wonderful as we did. And maybe a little more responsibility.

And, just for fun, courtesy of Tiffany, here are two more roommate pictures. This is Landon, me, Heather (2nd generation 4946 1/2er), and Tiffany.

And, here we have Tiffany, Rhiannon, JIMMY!, and me.

(Thank you Tiffany for never letting me forget my tanning bed goggle face, and my now-husband’s pencil thin mustache.)

OK, back to the future. On Sunday, we just relaxed — just like we love to do on Sundays. We went to church, took naps, went pishin’, went grocery shopping, and spent some time at the park.

As we were preparing for dinner on Sunday, Taylor unveiled what she has been learning at school. This is the song that they sing before they eat each meal.

After a good amount of Taylor translation and confirmation from her teachers, this is what she is saying:
“Tight tight tight!” (As in close your eyes tight tight tight)
“Lord we thank you for our food, for our food. Many thanks and blessings, aaamen. Amen!”

Just makes my heart melt. I love her innocent love for our Savior. And I pray that I can teach her many many more songs and stories that remind her of His love.

I probably won’t be back on here for a week or so. We’re headed to Michigan to visit my family for a few days while Jimmy’s family comes to housesit, and prepare for our return. The next several days promise to be full of family, festivities, laughs, and love. I can NOT wait. Happy holiday week ya’ll!

Parental Pioneers
March 4, 2009, 2:01 pm
Filed under: Memories, Parenting

I had to share this because it made me laugh out loud. Last night, when I was reading my weekly Preschooler Bulletin email from Babycenter, one of the top headlines jumped out at me (see the green arrow below). The New Spanking: Hot-Saucing.

I laugh because it is not so new in my eyes. You see, my parents were pioneers of this discipline tactic! And, before you get the wrong idea, I fully endorse it (when used appropriately – ONE drop of MILD sauce, people). My brother and I were never spanked or smacked or switched. Instead, we were “hot-sauced” as this article calls it. I only remember being “sauced” when we used bad language (stupid, idiot…you know, words you use to describe your sibling when you are between the ages of 8 and…well, now.) As soon as she was aware that the word exited our lips (thanks to a tattle), Mom would get the bottle of Tabasco and place a drop on our tongue. I liked this discipline. It was way more comfortable than what I had heard about spanking, and much better than taking my phone privileges away. And today, wouldn’t you know, I love all things spicy? I put hot sauce on EVERYthing. Everything. So, when I saw this article, a sense of fiery pride rushed through my spicy veins — my parents broke new ground in the world of discipline! They were Hot-Saucing Pioneers! I am forever grateful for them sparing my toosh, to instead tame my tongue. Thank you, Mom and Dad.

Belly Pains
January 12, 2009, 4:49 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Memories

This weekend was an eventful one. On Friday night, Jimmy stayed with Tay for a night of Daddy and T time while I went to a friend’s house for dinner with a bunch of college friends. It was like old times. But instead of eating rice and ketchup (yes, we did that — we were creative…and poor college kids), we ate a nice meal of spaghetti and salad and bread. Instead of wearing glitter and black pants and tops that were just pieces of cloth held on by strings, we were in our comfy jeans and sweaters. Instead of talking about how much beer we needed to get from the store, we were talking about marriage, pregnancy and European vacations. One thing WAS the same though. When the photo albums came out, we all cuddled on the couch and laughed until our bellies hurt and our eyes filled with tears. It was a night that I needed desperately. A night that I think everyone needed. My girlfriends are the best. I can be myself with them — no holding back, whatsoever. They love me for my past stumbles, my present obstacles, and my future dreams. I left feeling full, grateful, refreshed, and nourished. Love love love these girls.

On Saturday, Jimmy, Tay and I headed over to The Cornwalls for dinner and playtime. Tiffany and I played with pictures on the computer, while Jimmy and Jack played with the girls in backyard. We then had a very tasty dinner of Tiff’s homemade soup and my store-bought bread bowls. The soup was amazing and the bread, well, was in true Hilary-style. It was a re-occurrence of the high school poncho incident. If you don’t know that story, basically, it amounts to: go big, or go home. The bread bowls were so big, you could wear them as hats. Not only did we fill our bellies to the brim with bread, The Cornwalls were able to feed the entire seagull race with the leftover sourdough.

Sunday was a family day. We went to church with our usual buddies, then relaxed until dinner. And dinner, oh dinner. It was a day that Jimmy had been waiting for for several months. His favorite restaurant has opened just steps from our front door. Yes, we can WALK to Two Guys Grille. Yeah. Jimmy is one happy man. We had our favorite meal at our favorite place, then headed home for the bedtime routine. Bath, then Daddy’s hair-drying ritual. Taylor just loves her Daddy to dry her hair while she watches Dora. And it’s pretty cute bonding time.


That is it. That was our weekend. From laughter pain to sourdough-stuffed stomachs, our poor bellies were put through the ringer. It was well worth it though. Love food and LOVE friends. Let’s just hope that this week is as smooth and great as the past few days. Happy Monday, kids.