Peanut and Poppy

Aubri Goes Public
September 4, 2010, 1:17 pm
Filed under: Baby Butterfly, Fame, Videos

Yesterday, Aubri was interviewed by the local news for a piece on March of Dimes. The footage aired on the Friday 6pm and 11pm news as well as today’s morning news. I’m hoping to get a copy of the tape but, in the meantime, you can see a sweet picture of her on the news story webpage.

Because she has already been photographed and featured on television, we thought it would be appropriate to do some video training to prepare her for future notoriety. And so I brought my video camera to the hospital last night to capture some of her daily actions, and reactions to the world around her.

I am totally aware that only a select few will be entertained throughout the entire three minutes of baby watching. But so many people have spent hours on their knees for our little munchkin, so I want to share the beauty of answered prayer with sweet Aubri Lee “smiles, squeaks and sleepiness.”


Tay Makes the Top Ten!
June 12, 2008, 4:37 pm
Filed under: Fame

Taylor would like to extend a large “tank yooooooou” to all that voted for her in the Beautiful Baby Contest. She has been selected as one of finalists that will go on to compete for the title! Now the competition gets sticky. Final voting will take place this Saturday at The Ultimate Baby Shower, an event held at the Schwartz Center from 10am to 4pm. Ten boxes will be placed at the event, each with a photo of one of the finalists. Guests will be asked to donate money to the “most beautiful baby”. (All proceeds benefit the new Womens and Childrens Hospital at NHHN.) If you happen to find yourself at the event, feel free to pay Taylor’s box a visit and feel good about supporting the new Hospital. We have no expectations for our friends and family to shell out their life savings (unless you feel compelled to), and are just very happy that she has made it as far as she has. So, from Tay, she “wuvs ewww!”

Vote Taylor, Support the New Children’s Hospital
June 5, 2008, 2:34 pm
Filed under: Fame

Taylor is in the running for the title of Wilmington’s Most Beautiful Baby. AND SHE NEEDS YOUR HELP. If she wins, she will grace the cover of next month’s Kidz Ink Magazine, and a donation will be made in her name to our new Woman and Children’s Hospital. She’s already the most beautiful baby in our heart, but let’s show Wilmington that she is the most beautiful baby in the area, while supporting our new fabulous hospital for new moms and babies!

You can only vote once from each computer, but three radio stations are promoting the contest, so you can vote once per website. Click the links below, scroll down until you see Taylor’s cute face (usually a little more than half way down the page) and vote away. Ask your friends to vote too! If she wins, she’ll thank you in her acceptance speech and will send autographs to all who voted.

Click here. Then, click here. Almost done, click here.

THANK YOU!!! From a proud Mommy and someone who’d like to use the new hospital some day 🙂

Parents Magazine Loves Her Too!
May 8, 2008, 4:42 pm
Filed under: Fame

Yay for Parents Magazine’s Cute Kid of the Week! I’m so proud! See below or click here.