Peanut and Poppy

Out of Darkness
October 22, 2009, 9:02 pm
Filed under: FaithFULL, Music

OK, so I think this is really cool. And, yes, before I get into it, I realize that not everyone looks at situations as I do. I realize that I get funny looks from some people when I talk about the things that are happening in my life and how I interpret these things to be God-driven. I’m OK with that. Well, most of the time. Should I be? Anyway, I digress.

So, my church — my church that I adore — is turning 10 this Sunday. And you know who else is hitting a milestone this Sunday? Yours truly. This achy breaky body is turning 30. I’ve ignored my birthday, pretending that we’ll go from October 24th to October 26th in the blink of an eye. Instead, focusing all of my emotional and physical attention on the fact that my baby is turning 3 just a week later. It’s been a great avoidance technique.

And then a friend of mine gave me a new perspective on my birthday. She said that it’s the beginning of a new decade. A new decade. A new. Start. Huh? I know. It doesn’t make sense unless you are in my head, or have been by my side non-stop over the past 10 years.

A lot of people know “my story” to be one with the loss of a baby at the core. The loss of a baby that started, and defines, my walk with God. Which is not 100% so.

What my story here addresses is the reason behind my blog. For the people that are new to my life in the past two years, that’s all they know — the part where I discovered my faith right when we lost of our first pregnancy. What this version of my story doesn’t address is what led me to that point. When we lost Poppy, why was I positioned to accept God into my heart? Why was it something that I wanted and not something that I fought?

Because I had spent the previous four years searching for relief. Relief from the pain that I held in connection with the life that I led several years before that. No amount of time or saying that I was over it could make that guilt go away. But promises of love and forgiveness from something higher most certainly could. I had faith that He was who He said He was. For whatever unexplainable reason, I just had faith. And that’s why I welcomed Him with open arms when He appeared to me right before Poppy’s death. Finally, something to love me despite my shortcomings, and take away the sting of death.

Although I finally believe that I am forgiven and no longer carry the guilt of my “previous life”, I’ve continued to keep it hidden in darkness over the past few years. A lot of people know this “secret” because they were a part of my life in some capacity during that season. But when that season was over, I packed up the memories like last year’s clothes and hid them under my bed in a large tupperware container, never to be looked at again. But, my birthday. My birthday that pushes me into the next, new decade of my life, is offering me an opportunity to dig out that box and let those issues come to light. To allow God an opportunity to stop my desire to hide the parts of my life that I have seen as devastating and dark for the past several years.

So, I get an email from my church. An email that asks me to be a part of their 10th anniversary sermon. Without spoiling the program for everyone on Sunday, I’ll just say that the church is offering me an opportunity to publicly unveil this past of mine that has been hidden and collecting dust for so long. Woah. What? Unveil my secret to one person is daunting enough — but to 6,000+? Yikers. So, I bounced back and forth — should I simply stay comfortable and talk about our past two years with the baby and losses? Or do I accept this challenge and jump in with both feet? After much conversation with friends, lots of talking with Jimmy, and hours in personal thought, I chose the path of most resistance. Bringing my dark to light.

And since I made the decision to take this opportunity to attack that dark past head-on, I have been moved in so many ways. I am elated beyond words (rare, I know) about Sunday. I’m still ignoring the fact that I will be leaving my 20s behind and entering the wonderful world of backs that crack when doing somersaults, ankles that snap when they are run on too frequently, and knee skin that sags even when flexed. But I am embracing this birthday as an opportunity to heal an area that has been so sensitive to me for nearly 10 years. To accept His invitation and come out of the darkness. To start a new decade as the 100% exposed, skeleton-free Hilary.

So not only do I think it’s extremely cool that my church is entering a new decade the exact same day as me, and the fact that they are offering me a chance to do something that I have desperately needed for so long, I think it’s amazing that God used my run today to, yet again, encourage me to take this extremely frightening step. Once again, on the cool down lap of my run this morning, a song came on that gave me chill bumps. All. Over. My. Body.

I once was fatherless,
a stranger with no hope;
Your kindness wakened me,
Awakened me, from my sleep

Your love it beckons deeply,
a call to come and die.
By grace now I will come
And take this life, take your life.

Sin has lost it’s power,
death has lost it’s sting.
From the grave you’ve risen

Into marvelous light I’m running,
Out of darkness, out of shame.
By the cross you are the truth,
You are the life, you are the way

My dead heart now is beating,
My deepest stains now clean.
Your breath fills up my lungs.
Now I’m free. now I’m free!

Lift my hands and spin around,
See the light that i have found.
Oh the marvelous light
Marvelous light
Lift my hands and spin
See the light within…

I’ll post the video of Sunday’s service early next week when it’s available. And let me just say that I realize, to some, my “secret” is insignificant. Silly to a few, and serious to others. But, sin is sin. Whatever you think of my particular darkness, or if you think of it at all, is not the point. I need it out from under my bed for me. For my relationship with Him. For my healing. And, maybe (hopefully) to help others bring their own darkness out, enjoying the marvelous light for themselves. I cannot wait to take Satan’s power away so that he has nothing left to dangle over my heart. Goodbye, guilt. Hello, forgiveness. Now I’m free. Now. I’m. Free.

Glory Baby
October 15, 2009, 8:52 pm
Filed under: Music, Storms

I just started running a few times each week, in addition to my stroller walking/talking time with Taylor, my girlfriends and their babies. So, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while Taylor is at school, I head to the park and just have Hilary time. I was especially excited about my run today because I had just found my old iPod (yes, as in the 1st iPod ever released — I nearly needed a backpack to carry the cumbersome thing. At least I felt confident that no one would mug me for that hunk of metal). In any case, I had loaded the iPod with a bunch of Christian songs that I have accumulated over the past two years — the most upbeat ones to, you know, give me energy and some pep to my step.

That hour today was awesome. I discovered that these running days will offer a great opportunity for quiet time, which is rare for me because this will actually be, you know, quiet. I rocked and ran to some awesome, uplifting, enlightening music. The best of Matt Blair, Third Day, Mercy Me, and my other favorites. I sang, I thought, and I talked. And, around mile 4, I felt renewed, inspired, blessed, and just…at peace. A new peace. My “problems” had been put into perspective. Basically, a bunch of feelings that have been on my heart for the past few days finally clicked. It’s as if these thoughts just needed a little bit of quiet to finally make sense and sink in. And it felt SO good. The 60 degree weather. The running. The sweat. The time with just myself and God.

As I approached the end of my run, I thought back to how cool it was — it seemed that every time I needed a little extra energy for that upcoming hill or long winding stretch ahead, an extra special song would come on. I’d say “OK, God, I can barely breathe, help me out here.” Then, BOOM, Matt Blair would start rocking. My panting would ease. And I’d smile.

Did I say it was awesome? It was.

And then, after 5 miles of therapeutic conversations and revealing thoughts, I began my cool-down lap. And, right at that very moment, this song came on. This song that I have NEVER heard before, yet ended up on my iPod…

Glory baby you slipped away as fast as we could say baby…baby…
You were growing, what happened dear?
You disappeared on us baby…baby…
Heaven will hold you before we do
Heaven will keep you safe until we’re home with you…
Until we’re home with you…

Miss you everyday
Miss you in every way
But we know there’s a day when we will hold you
We will hold you
You’ll kiss our tears away
When we’re home to stay
Can’t wait for the day when we will see you
We will see you
But baby let sweet Jesus hold you
‘till mom and dad can hold you…
You’ll just have heaven before we do
You’ll just have heaven before we do

Sweet little babies, it’s hard to understand it ‘cause we’re hurting
We are hurting
But there is healing
And we know we’re stronger people through the growing
And in knowing-
That all things work together for our good
And God works His purposes just like He said He would…
Just like He said He would…

Miss you everyday
Miss you in every way
But we know there’s a day when we will hold you
We will hold you
You’ll kiss our tears away
When we’re home to stay
Can’t wait for the day when we will see you
We will see you
But baby let sweet Jesus hold you
‘till mom and dad can hold you…
You’ll just have heaven before we do
You’ll just have heaven before we do

I can’t imagine heaven’s lullabies and what they must sound like
But I will rest in knowing, heaven is your home
And it’s all you’ll ever know…all you’ll ever know…

Miss you everyday
Miss you in every way
But we know there’s a day when we will hold you
We will hold you
You’ll kiss our tears away
When we’re home to stay
Can’t wait for the day when we will see you
We will see you
But baby let sweet Jesus hold you
‘till mom and dad can hold you…
You’ll just have heaven before we do
You’ll just have heaven before we do

I’ve been thinking a ton about the timing of the song. What was God trying to say? I had just recovered from all feelings of sadness! I had just come to terms with everything…and felt darn good about it too. So, why turn the tables from smiles to tears? How did He want me to process that song? I don’t know how I should have taken those lyrics but, ya’ll, I don’t think I have cried that hard since the day we lost Poppy. I knew in my heart that they should be tears of joy — that our baby knows nothing but Heaven! He is hearing the most incredible lullabies as he is rocked to sleep by our sweet Jesus. How awesome! — but I can’t say that the tears were joyful. In fact, there was a lot of sadness in those tears.

Maybe that’s what it was. He wanted to show me that, amidst my “peace,” I’m not totally healed yet. I need to work out that sadness, and see it all as glory, happiness, and beauty. Maybe. God, is that it? Help. (Can you tell that I’m working out these thoughts as I go? So sorry about that. I wish I had clear direction on this. But, there’s not much that’s clear in my head these days. Following God is a complicated process. Amazingly rewarding and worthwhile, but complicated nonetheless.)

I don’t know yet how to read what happened today. But I do know that this is such a perfect example that grieving and loss is not an easy, or short, road. Just when you think you are doing great, WHAM, you realize that you have so much more to learn.

Something big happened today during that run/cool down. I just can’t wrap my mind around it yet. But the time that I had to just think was so necessary. Because I realized and accepted how happy I am with or without another baby. Maybe that’s the feeling He has wanted for me for so long. And only then did He want to whisper Poppy’s name. To nudge me down that path of further healing. Which He did, and so kindly through that song — by reminding me of the sweetness that Poppy got to experience that day. And still experiences today.

But there were still tears. And it is only Him that can guide me down this path of healing. To help me change the emotions behind those tears.

Shew, ya’ll, He is working on me. He’s doing something big in my heart. And whatever it is, I am grateful. Because, after our “talk” today,  I can sleep tonight in peace. At peace with my new perspective on our “troubles.” In thought about where I am going next. What is in store for my heart. And also with the image in my mind of sweet Jesus holding Poppy, until that day when we can too. Our little guy will kiss our tears away. When we’re home to stay.

You Only Get One
September 4, 2009, 11:25 am
Filed under: FaithFULL, Music

There are several songs out right now that are resonating with me. One in particular is “One Life to Love” by 33 Miles. The whole song is awesome. But the chorus is what really hits my heart.

You only get just one time around
You only get one shot at this
One chance to find out the one thing that you don’t wanna miss
One day when it’s all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough
This one ride, one try, one life to love

The past two years have been filled with this “project.” We’ve focused all of our emotional energy on trying to get pregnant, and have been consumed by the resulting rollercoasters and losses. I have been so overwhelmed with wanting another baby. If I wasn’t busy with doctor’s appointments, I was in deep thought about my scientific diagnosis, or on my knees begging God to answer my prayer.

Baby baby baby. It was my goal and I was going to achieve it.

I am not discounting the desire for another baby. We still want one. Desperately. But, I have discovered that I have lost sight of what this life is about. It’s not about what I want. It’s not about the big house on the water and 2 young children playing in the backyard that I pictured for myself. It’s about celebrating our blessings. Serving God. Loving our family and thanking Him for the beautiful house that we have and the MIRACLE child that plays in the pool with me every weekend. I am kicking myself for letting this “project” take over my life for so long. To be honest, I feel like a selfish, ungrateful butthead.

Do I continue to want, and pray for, another baby? Absolutely. But, I have started to pray that I will desire what God desires for me. Instead of what I desire for me. Because what God has blessed me with is enough. More than enough. I read too many blogs about childhood cancer and horrible car accidents. We are so blessed to have our health and safety. SO blessed. I can’t say it enough. Again, such a butthead for wanting more.

My eyes are now focused on the beautiful, full life that I have. Not the one that my measly brain thought was right.

Because I only get one chance to find out what I don’t want to miss. I don’t want to miss the life that I have been blessed with because I am selfishly focused on my plan. I don’t want to miss this life either.





How He Loves Us
August 27, 2009, 7:43 pm
Filed under: Music

After reading my recent post where I discussed a song that touched my heart last Sunday, my cousin sent me an email. He wanted me to know the origin of the song. Why it was written. And I am so glad that he did. Watch this video. The song writer explains the story behind the lyrics. I am more moved now that I was on Sunday, which I didn’t think was possible.

It’s obvious that Steven’s life DID shake the youth of our nation. He initiated a major movement in my heart that I predict will result in big things for my life. Praise God for his answered prayer.

Who Am I
August 23, 2009, 10:51 pm
Filed under: Music

A friend sent this video to me. I just love it, and had to share.

We Will Not Become Weary
August 17, 2009, 6:46 pm
Filed under: FaithFULL, Music

I know I have been fairly quiet here lately. And it’s not for lack of activity. One of the major reasons is that I am without a camera. I had to send it away for repairs because I finally got tired of the mysterious black planet that appeared in every single photo. Hopefully, I will have it back in a week or so.

I have also been silent about a topic that has ruled our lives for the past two years. This blog was created to, first, celebrate Taylor. And, second, to journal our walk as we attempt grow our family. Ya’ll walked with us through the life and loss of Poppy. And Cupcake. And many other younger babies that, we discovered, weren’t meant to have a life here on earth. We have grown tremendously as parents, children, spouses, and Christians throughout the past two years. And, because it hasn’t been discussed on here for a few months, doesn’t mean that the growing has stopped. In fact, it has flourished.

Over the past two months, we have continued our efforts in getting pregnant, only to determine recently, that now is apparently not our time. To be honest, at first, I was devastated to come to this conclusion. In fact, I spent a good two days screaming and hollering at my new-found realization.

But, in the words of Larry Crabb, author of Shattered Dreams: God’s Unexpected Pathway to Joy, we “scream and holler until the terror of life so weighs us down that we discover solid ground beneath our feet.”

That solid ground is His love.

He continues, “…it should be clear that suffering, so integral to the life of Christ and His followers, is in fact among the highest forms of good. As we stop kicking against the goads, and allow our trials to produce their ‘perfect work,’ we too, by God’s grace, can experience the supernatural passage from human happiness to unspeakable joy.

Over the past couple of days, I have spent hours and hours in prayer; had long talks with God, long hugs from Taylor, deep conversations with myself and my husband; and heard a very pertinent sermon on Sunday. And, finally, I am starting to feel the solid ground beneath my feet.

During the Sunday service, I related all too well to the lyrics of one of the worship songs:
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy

That visual brought me to tears. It so perfectly described how I felt. So susceptible. So powerless. So out. Of. Control. In all facets of my life, the thought of being out of control is gut-wrenching. But, now, today, I will confront that fear. Because letting go of control is allowing Him to gain control.

When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me

And, as our worship leader sang those words, it was if I was living in them. All of a sudden, my afflictions were eclipsed by glory.

I found hope again.

So, under guidance of our pastor, we’ve decided to Stop, Obey and Declare our Trust.

We’re going to stop trying to control the direction of our lives. We will pray every day that another miracle baby will bless our lives, but we will not focus all of our energies on this “project”. Instead, we will focus our eyes on Him. We will obey. We will allow God to move in our lives. And, if He chooses to move us to take another step in the growth in our family, we will certainly take that step. But, until we feel that He is urging us to do so, we are going to declare our trust in His plan.

I believe strongly that our family is not yet complete. I want another child desperately. But, it’s time we count our blessings instead of ask for more. It’s time for Taylor. And time we allowed Him control of our lives.

Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

You Found Me
April 15, 2009, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Music

I heard this song on the radio in my car this morning and my jaw fell to the floorboard as I realized that this artist was singing MY story. Word for word. MY story. I love music that can put words to your life AND make you bob your head to the beat too.

You Found Me
by Big Daddy Weave
I saw 3 AM come and go again
Another sleepless night, thanks to living my own way
All my great ideas, I’ve regretted most of them
But that was back long before the day

When I saw a flash of light and I heard the sound
Of a voice like thunder shake the ground
It was the first time I remember ever feeling my heartbeat
And the arms that gripped me felt like grace
And I realized in their embrace
To be held so tight
I’ve never felt so free
Also known as the day that you found me

My whole life has changed ever since the day You came
The way I see, the things I want, it’s everything
Some may call it strange, I don’t care what people say
I knew You were the only way

I’ve never known a love like this
You’ve captured my heart and You brought the sweetest
Peace to my life, brought me into the light
Now I’m all Yours, Jesus, draw me into You

I don’t think that I could ever be the same
Who would want to be anyway

PC3 Rap
April 14, 2009, 1:11 pm
Filed under: Music

I have to share this with you all. This is a video that our church produced and played on Easter Sunday. The intention was to reach those people that don’t typically attend our church, that were there for Easter, to show them around the building (because our facility is still fairly new). This is one of the reasons that I love our church. They are hilarious, young, fresh, silly, and real. I hope that you enjoy as much as I did!

February 27, 2009, 3:47 pm
Filed under: Music, Storms

Tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of the day that we lost Poppy. At times it feels like every bit of a year and, at other times, I can’t believe it’s been so long. There are some days that are bright and I feel strong, grateful and hopeful. And some days are just dark and full of wonder. I think about Poppy and wonder what he’d be like today. How much fun Taylor would have with her little brother. How complete our family would be. And it just hurts. The song by Kenny Chesney sums it up perfectly. I have heard it several times, but I really *heard* it for the first time just the other day.

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
Still can’t believe you’re gone

It ain’t fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
The death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today

Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family?
I wonder, what would you name your babies?
Some days the sky’s so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy

Today, Today, Today

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I’ll see you again someday

Someday, Someday

Dark days are really tough. I wonder who he’d be today. What he’d look like. The sound of his laugh. The trouble he’d get into with Taylor leading the way. But, with every day that passes, I have more of the strong days and less of the sad days. Instead of wondering who he’d be today, I think of who *I’d* be today if he had never been a part of my life. That puts it all into perspective. He changed my life. He showed me what it means to be grateful for everything big and small, to love like never before, and he introduced me to my Savior. We ARE complete. Because we have a gorgeous little girl, a wonderful marriage and a beautiful life. And, although we don’t have our son, we now have our Father. Although I’d love to hold him in my arms today, I know that his short life was full of purpose. And, knowing just that helps me to wait a little while longer to hold him and hug him. And you can bet that the first thing I do when I see my baby will be to thank him for the new life that he provided for me.

A blog friend of mine, Casey, posted this on her blog yesterday. It was written by a fellow blogger that lost his son last year. It’s such a great description of my feelings. I just couldn’t say it better myself.

This grief thing is a troublesome creature.

It forces me like nothing else ever has to live in the tension of unbelief and belief, uncertainty and certainty, sadness and gladness, brokenness and redemption, bitter and sweet, anger and calm, fear and courage, weakness and strength, despair and hope, darkness and light.

This concept of grieving with hope is rife with paradoxical realities.

I find that speaking and thinking about our loss is both cleansing and caustic. It just depends on the day… the moment really.

The tears that fall have the same effect… they open and purify the wound but they also prompt the realization that this wound will always weep because there is no getting over an injury like this.

The reminders of shattered dreams and hoped-for-things are all too frequent. They are as certain and unwanted as taxes coming due. They are anticipated and dreaded like a trip to the dentist. They lurk and then surprise like a thief. They taunt and they haunt.

This grief thing is a troublesome creature.

Behind Me
February 2, 2009, 5:28 pm
Filed under: Music

Although my good friend, Witter, is half way across the world in Africa, she still finds the perfect words to comfort and enlighten me. Here’s how she did it this time. I have been swept up by yet another emotional whirlwind – getting a positive pregnancy test a few days ago, only to be followed by another very early miscarriage. We went from jumping up and down, praising Jesus, overwhelmed by His love and great gift of hope, to heartache and tears in just a few days. But, there was one thing that didn’t waiver throughout the storm, and that was His provision of peace. He stays true always, particularly in the midst of chaos. (You MUST watch the video on the left of my blog when you are done reading this). Although the situation obviously didn’t turn out as I had wanted, I discovered that I am learning something through all of this. I was extremely disappointed, yes. But, now when I experience sadness or loss, I can feel Him holding me. Seriously. A sense of peace calms me. A glimmer of hope never fades. And it makes the pain so much more tolerable. I’m comforted by the fact that it just wasn’t meant to be this time. That He has by best interest in mind. And this baby was not meant for me. It’s just not my time…yet.

There is one thing that has defined me since I was young – I have an extreme deficiency of this characteristic…this little thing called patience. I have none. Zip. Zero. And I have had a slight suspicion since the day we lost Poppy, that this attribute was something that He was going to teach me through all of this. I think I was right. And I think that maybe, just maybe, I might actually be starting to grasp that concept. And here’s where Witter comes in. She directed me to a song written by one of my favorite Christian artists, Matt Blair, a regular, awesome performer at our church. Click the player below to listen to the song, which will open in another window.

If that doesn’t work, just check out the lyrics to his song, Behind Me, below. It could not describe my feelings more perfectly.

I asked You for a blessing, Instead I just got patience.
I asked you to speak to me; I got left here in your silence.

Now I’m starting to wonder if You’ve ever heard my voice.

I’m crying out to You; Lord don’t forget Your child
Because I’m not sure I can make it on my own.
That’s when I turned around to find You’ve always been behind me.

You’ve been behind me.

When I was in need of peace,
That’s when turmoil seemed to surround me.

I could have used Your mercy to help me through my suffering.

Because now it feels as if I’m only hanging by a thread.

I’m crying out to You; Lord don’t forget Your child

Because I’m not sure I can make it on my own.

That’s when I turned around to find You’ve always been behind me.

You’ve been behind me.

You’ve been behind me pushing me to Your glory.

You’ve been behind me showing me Your light.
You’ve been behind me giving me Your power.
To know that everything is fine, You’re right.

You’ve been behind me. You’re right behind me.
You’ve been behind me. You’ve been behind me.

Whether it’s sadness or stress, fear or frustration, every emotion is so much more bearable when you know that He is right behind you. That He is pushing you to His glory. He’s right behind you. And everything is going to be alright.