Peanut and Poppy

Sweet Keely Cheeks Sleeps!
May 25, 2012, 6:45 am
Filed under: Milestones

May 25, at 7 weeks old: Day #3 of sleeping 8+ hours at night! And the 1st day we realized that she has cheeks that rival Aubri’s.


“I’m a Swimmer!”
June 6, 2010, 8:36 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Milestones, Videos

Between a full-day pool playdate on Friday, a pool party on Saturday, and six hours of mommy/daddy/T time at the pool today, Taylor is finally making leaps and bounds (or should I say bubbles) in the swimming department. It’s as if she’s been logging all of the swimming advice I have been chanting in her ears over the past year, and finally realizing that it’s worth something. (I’m sure this isn’t the last time I’ll experience daughter denial of mommy brilliance).

She has recently started getting comfortable with putting her face under water (the hardest part to teach a toddler). And, since she realized it’s not so bad, she’s just taken off. She’s even opening her eyes under water (another huge milestone for a 3-year old), and told me that she can see the baby (my belly) while she swims. I swear today might have been my proudest mommy moment to date.

Here’s a little video — 6 hours of swimming condensed into 2 minutes. I am not joking when I say that, except for a few popsicle refuels, we did this same activity for the entire day. At her request, not mine (for once).


What’s That?
December 31, 2009, 9:45 am
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Milestones, Notable and Quotable

So Taylor has decided that now is the time that napping is no longer. Much to Mommy’s dismay, since her 3rd birthday, she has slowly been phasing out the naptime ritual. It is very very rare for her to actually sleep during the day so, instead, we have transitioned to “quiet time.” For two hours around mid-day, she is to stay in her room (ideally, her bed) and read books, play with her babies, or whatever she wants to do that is relatively quiet.

Lately, her quiet time has included bouts of door opening and closing. She opens the door, asks for water/her hair to be put up/something to eat/for me to find a particular book that she has hidden in hopes that I will hunt for it/etc. But, instead, I simply close the door.

But some days, she keeps herself busy. And, although it’s quiet, it’s not always innocent.

Like this day.

Yeah, that was on the walls too. The walls of the house that. We. Are. Trying. To. Sell.

And then there was this particular day.

I hear the door crack, and, fearing another art project gone bad, I walk down the hall.

And this is what I see.

How can you resist this face?

And so, I allow her to emerge from her room and enter the garage to show Daddy what she has done to escape quiet time this time.

What’s that?

It’s a bird?

It’s a plane?


It’s Super Tay.

And she’s singing:

“Wuuunder pets, wuuunder pets, we’re on our way. To help our friends and saaaave the daaaaaaay!”

A few hours after Super Tay slowed down, she sat to eat her dinner.

And this is what happened:

OUT. Like a light.

Hair in potatoes, drool on her turkey.

See, T? Even superheros need naps.

BIG Day for the Bradys
December 13, 2009, 8:05 pm
Filed under: Family Fun, Milestones

So yesterday was the day. The day that Daddy finally got to wear a not-so-little black dress, a funny hat, and a tassle. An outfit that he has been drooling over for 11 long years.


Get ready for picture overload. Because I was that wife that had both the video camera running and camera flashing every second of this momentous occasion. I was smiling ear to ear the entire time. I am so proud of this guy.

Daddy with his very proud Mom and Dad. Even Taylor is beaming.

We have documented proof — Daddy’s name is in the program!

Happy Daddy.

Taylor gets a bit bored with the commencement.

Degree in hand!!!

Now that is one happy Daddy with one happy baby.

Purple Princesses and Parties
November 10, 2009, 4:41 pm
Filed under: Family Fun, Holidays, Milestones

POST UPDATED with birthday pictures from one of the most talented photographers to ever walk the earth.

I am alive. So sorry about the neglect, my dear blog. We have had quite the crazy few weeks here, which has limited my time to breathe, let alone blog. Two major holidays, family in town, a husband nearing the end of a looooong college career, and triple coupons make for one busy Momma. Between the madness, I have logged over 300 pictures. And I just have to get a few onto this blog. Because before I know it, Christmas will be here. Taylor is already requesting its arrival.

So life has been crazy. We had our first Halloween where Taylor actually wanted to dress up. With that being said, we went to all 3 nights of festivals around town. The first night, we headed to UNCW, my old stompin’ grounds. Although we only made it approximately 4 minutes — just long enough to smuggle one green sucker — it was really neat to be back on campus. This time, laughing with my daughter, instead of stressing over exams or which pair of sparkly pants I should wear out that night.


Our “purple princess”, waiting for her prince. Who hopefully is a looooong way away.


Aside from the UNCW festival, we also hit up our neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat, as well as the town’s Trunk-or-Treat. We managed to make Halloween a 5-day event this year. Which made Taylor very happy.


After Halloween came Taylor’s birthday. Another holiday that we managed to stretch out for multiple days. The celebrations started with a school party on Thursday. We then welcomed Nana and Grandpa to town, followed by her real birthday on Friday complete with cake and presents. On Saturday, we had her birthday party and a celebratory dinner, with Sunday being the opening of the presents that were gifted to her on Saturday. Shew. I thought she was birthday’d out. But on the way to school today, she said “Mommy, I’m ready to have another birthday.” Ay yi yi. Mommy needs time to recover. And to run off the pounds of ice cream cake she consumed in celebrating your birthday, my dear Taylor.

Her birthday party was great. We had all of her friends come to the local gymnastics center, where they played their little hearts out on the trampoline, in the high-flying swing, bouncy houses and foam pit, on the bars and slides, and with the hula hoops and seesaws. We re-created what I did when I was growing up. Down to the leotard and braids, Taylor re-lived my favorite birthday party from my childhood. It was really cool to see my little gymnast’s round belly smooshed into that leotard, and her “angel braids” sway as she bounced across the gym. A mini-Mommy, minus the 1980’s leg warmers (which I attempted to put on her, but was denied).

What was also cool was watching all of her friends (and my friends) play in one place. Here’s about half of the crew.


And here’s a few shots that the talented Katie was able to capture of the birthday girl enjoying her party.






The best part? After the party, we had lots of very tired tots. Including one pooped party princess.


From dance classes and dance gear to puzzles and pajamas, Taylor never stopped smiling and gasping as she opened her gifts. “Mooooooommmmmmy, ooooooh my goooodness!” was what we heard with every gift opened. It’s so much fun when they really “get” it, which she definitely did this year. The looks on her face were priceless.


She got lots of “role play” gifts, which have not been put down since. She thoroughly enjoyed playing “doctor” and “beautician” with Nana and Grandpa. We have a full-service facility in our living room — Urgent Care and Great Clips under one roof.



Taylor catches Daddy playing with her curlers, “what I tell you Daddy about playing with my toys? Put that down.” Her words exactly.


Princess figures and tinkerbell pajamas, dress up clothes and tutus, hair accessory kits and princess games, baby doll nursery items and… everything you could imagine that just oozes “little girl”. When I was pregnant with Taylor, I swore she would never wear pastels and never EVER own anything with flowers or frills. And now I ooooh and ahhhh just as much as she does at every pair of pink dress-up heels and bedazzled gloves. Although it was Taylor’s birthday, it was Mommy that received the greatest gift — a reminder of God’s amazing love — as I watched my little pastel princess twirl, giggle, and play. I thank Him every day for the little face, and big miracle, that I fell in love with 3 years ago.


Big Girl Beds and Bluegills
June 18, 2009, 9:10 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Milestones

As promised, I have pictures of Tay’s new big girl bed. The final piece of her bedding ensemble arrived today. I could not handle the look of the white, clunky, mesh and metal bed rail, so I ordered a “bed bolster”. The bolster is an inflatable pillow that serves the same purpose as the rail — kind of like a sleeper’s speed bump, if you will — but fits in a bit better with her bedroom’s bright colors and funky designs. Furniture and bedding is now complete. Now, if we can just keep her IN the bed. That would be wonderful. My right eye has been twitching for hours, which I blame fully on my child’s current dislike for — and the resulting reduction of my own — sleep.

And, totally unrelated to bolsters, beds and bad sleep, is this picture. Daddy took Taylor fishing the other day and was SO very proud to capture this moment on camera (his cell phone = not-so-stellar quality images). Taylor’s first bluegill. Like Daddy, like daughter.

And, now, twitching eye and all, I am off to make Hamburger Helper for dinner and pry my daughter out of the miniature stroller in which she has wedged her naked body. Ahh, the duties of a housemommy!

So Much
June 16, 2009, 3:17 pm
Filed under: A Day in the Life, Milestones

Dear blog, I apologize for my neglect. Now that Tay is in school two days per week only, I do not have the spare time that I once had! On the days that she is at school, I have been slamming my schedule full of errands and work and phone calls and and and. And on the days that she is home, I have my hands full, to say the least. Because I have not written in so long, and Tay is home with me today, I have SO MUCH to say, and SO LITTLE time!

Like I said, Tay has started her new “school”, which is really a summer camp at a Christian Academy. As I expected, she adapted very, very well. She has already formed great friendships, including her favorite friend, Michael. Michael is a very sweet-tempered 3-year-old that took to Taylor the moment that she walked into school. She asks about him every morning, and talks about what he did each day when I pick her up. When I picked her up on Friday, I asked her what she did at school. She said, “I played with Michael. He did the woooorm.” I asked her what the worm was, and she proceeded to shake her shoulders and dance. Apparently, Michael not only has a heart of gold, but also a good bit of rhythm.

I have also adapted to her new school well. I love that they pray before they eat, they sing Bible songs, and do different arts and crafts each day. But most importantly, through these activities, I love the lessons that they are teaching. Like manners. Taylor has always been very good at her pleases, thank yous, bless yous, and your welcomes. However, although she has a million words in her vocabulary, her word of choice is currently “no”. BUT, now, after the first day of school, she has added a “thank you” to the end, which takes out the sting a bit. So, when I ask her to go brush her teeth, she says “no, thank you” or “no thanks”. The addition of that one word makes me giggle instead of pull my hair out. Thank you, school.

Tay has also been saying things like “I love you so much” and “Mommy, you’re pretty” and giving really big hugs with kisses. It’s those words and actions that make my heart melt and help me forget the explosive temper tantrum that she had in the locker room yesterday feel grateful for her precious little personality. 🙂

In addition to her new loving words and actions, she has taken a fresh liking to her baby doll. She has always loved her doll, but is playing with her more now than ever. Potty training her and giving her imaginary treats and a hug after a (fake) potty, pushing her around in a stroller while pretending to grocery shop, feeding her, changing her diaper, and holding full conversations with her. Or should I say “him.” Ask Taylor the name of her baby, and she will say, “his name? his name is God.” At first, I didn’t know how to take that. But, I have to say that I think it’s pretty neat that the doll that she loves and focuses on and comforts and feels comforted by, she has named God.

The biggest change over the past few days is that our child is now in a big girl bed, due to an escape from the crib that nearly broke her nose. As Jimmy explained, “I just peeled my daughter off the floor after her not-so-graceful dismount from her crib. She didn’t stick the landing.” So, the next day, we purchased a twin bed. (I will post pictures soon — I’m waiting on the final piece to complete the bedding ensemble). She has been doing fairly well. There have been a few nights where she has simply passed out and not moved until the next morning when she calls for us to come get her. Those are the best nights. And we’ve also had nights where we’ve had to lock her door and listen to her knock for 1.5 hours, whispering “mooooooommmmmmyyyyy, hey, moooooommmmmmyyyy”, then get up an hour early and scare the snot out of us by bounding into our room at the crack of dawn. Those are the not-so-best nights. Overall, it’s a huge milestone that makes me a little sad, but proud that we’ve made it this far as parents 🙂

Since Tay is no longer “caged”, we have become more cautious with toddler-proofing the house. Including the doors to outside. Because I am petrified that she is going to wake in the middle of the night and stroll into the road, or across the cul-de-sac into the water. So, we purchased child locks for the doors. And, guess what? Our child walks right up to the lock, disables it, and walks outside. YEAH. I’m now onto brainstorming plan B.

So, that’s that. You can see how I can keep busy. Add my Mommy’s group, small group, playdates, swimming lessons, chores, housewifing, and medical “stuff” to the tall list of Taylor shenanigans, and I don’t sit down much! I am NOT complaining though. I love every minute of my life, and continue to feel more and more blessed with each day. Right now, I am focused on our upcoming vacation to Michigan to spend time with my Grandparents and other family. I am BEYOND thrilled about this trip.

OK, and now onto a few photos from the past few days.

Tay and her buddy, Maggie, at a summer concert.

Me, Witter, Tay, and Sarah at Sarah’s birthday dinner.
Taylor LOVES these girls. LOVES them.
Tay helps Sarah blow out the candle,
and eyes the sugary feast in front of her.
Tay and Witter

Tay makes wishes and tosses coins into the pond at dinner.

Left: Tay shares her Mommy’s love for chocolate.
Right: The best cake IN. THE. WORLD.
Did I say that this was AMAZING cake? It was. BREATHTAKING.
Tay enjoying a sunny Sunday on the porch.
OK! And that’s your long-winded, long overdue update. Off to feed the tot some lunch and put her booty down for a nap since she has been repeating “leave my alone!” for 10 minutes now. I think it’s naptime. Adios!

March 12, 2009, 4:36 pm
Filed under: Milestones

I don’t have much time to write because I am wrapping up loose ends before we head out for a road trip to the mountains. Well, six hours in the car with a toddler and two 100-pound dogs is considered a road trip in my book. We’ll be spending “Spring Break” with Jimmy’s family. I can’t wait — you all know that my favorite getaway includes lots of little ones chasing each other around the house, my Mother-in-Law’s cooking, butt-burning hikes in the mountains, and just plain ‘ol family time. But before we hit the road, I had to share Taylor’s newest portraits from school. She looks so grown up!

And, the class portrait. I LOVE that Taylor is sitting next to her boyfriend, and has her arms around another little boy! Tyler is to the left of Taylor (your left, not Taylor’s). This is her steady boyfriend. She has several flings and flames, but Tyler will always be her first love!

And, I’m off. I’ll be back in a few days with lots of pictures and lots of stories. Have a wonderful weekend, ya’ll!

January 21, 2009, 2:59 pm
Filed under: Milestones

Yesterday, we experienced a very special day. The inauguration of our first African American president and…SNOW in Wilmington. “Snobama” as a friend called it. I won’t go into my thoughts on the inauguration because I know that there are many out there that can speak much more eloquently on the topic. I don’t have the brain power or emotional resources these days to pull something meaningful and beautiful out of my rear. It was a historic moment, and one that made me very very hopeful and proud to be an American. Those are my thoughts in a very lackluster, mini-nutshell. Please know, however, that I do take the occasion very seriously and it means a lot more to me than I have expressed here.

I will say a few words about the snow, only because I don’t have the pressure of expressing anything monumental. The last time we had snow here in Wilmington was 5 years ago, in December of 2004. And then the snow before that was sometime in college so…circa 2000. You can imagine both the delight and the doubt in everyone’s minds when we heard that we might get a wintry mix. But, it did indeed happen. A whopping .7 inch of snow. Schools closed and most businesses shut down. It’s the beach. That’s what we do when it snows.

The last time Taylor saw snow was during a visit to Michigan when she was about 6 months old. I had her wrapped up so tight in so many layers of blankets (because this Southern California girl turned coastal North Carolina girl panics with the threat of cold). She was so warm that I caused her to run a temperature and we rushed her to Urgent Care, where they told me that she simply had too many clothes on. We took the blankets off and…voila, fever gone. So there you have it. Taylor has never truly experienced snow.

This was the look on her face when it first started coming down.

Her first snowman. She later ate his bottom ball, as you can predict from her eying the little guy and licking her lips. Poor baby snowman.

This is at the height of the accumulation.

Last night, after the sun went down and Tay could no longer play in the “nno”, she was up for some nude coloring. Goofy nude coloring.

All in all, yesterday was a welcome break from our current stresses. When schools and businesses shut down for snow, it just gives you a good excuse to shut down everything else, including your brain. Shew. Thank God for mental breaks.

Pacifiers Anonymous
December 5, 2008, 9:26 pm
Filed under: Milestones, Parenting

Taylor has been doing really well with the termination of her “papi” (Taylor-slang for pacifier). She only gets it at naptime and bedtime, and doesn’t even ask for it other than that. When she wakes up in the morning, before we even leave her crib-side, she spits her pacifier out into her sea of stuffed animals. She sometimes even leaves her blankie behind if she thinks that her stuffed turtle is having a bad morning. It’s pretty cute.

In the “early days” of the paci extinction, she was a sneaky little tot. She’d disappear for a minute, then nonchalantly come out with the paci in her mouth. I’d quickly snatch it away and deposit it back in its home (the crib). I learned quickly that I had to hide her pacifiers under her blanket, on the side of the crib that she can’t reach from the outside. I’m a smart cookie. Anyway, Jimmy’s parents sent this comic series to us the other day and it totally reminded me of Tay. Love it.